Products description
Indicators with LED
In the traffic law regulations of the German-speaking countries Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the traffic light is called differently. So they called a traffic facility in Germany according to § 43 of the Road Traffic Regulations (StVO) as Lichtzeichenanlage (LZA).
In the Austrian Road Traffic Act (§ 39) and in the signaling regulation (SSV) for Swiss Road Traffic Act, the term light system (LSA) is used.
Traffic light function Description
Füßgängerampel 4 is green and yellow light flashes for Abbieger from direction B in A
Füßgängerampel 2 is green and yellow light 3 flashes for Abbieger of direction C in D
traffic signal 1 is for the direction A in C
The term used in the German road traffic regulations Lichtzeichenanlage in Austria has a legally different meaning, since it referred only plants at level crossings under the Austrian railway law.
lights are used for the following reasons at intersections or junctions (nodes):
The system can be used to optimize the flow of traffic. In heavy traffic, for example, with several lanes in each direction, traffic lights allow the best control of the traffic flow.
You can contribute to mitigating risks to complicated or confusing intersections. For nodes with more than four directions, the control with traffic signs may be unclear or confusing and lead to accidents.
A Lichtzeichenanlage simplifies such situations through clear instructions, possibly supplemented by additional warning lights, for example, if the oncoming traffic priority must be granted.
At intersections with a corresponding volume of traffic, where for reasons of space no traffic circle can be set up, they can be used.
Red is uniformly arranged around the world always on top. This allows people with red-green color blindness or color blindness orientation. In transverse lights the red light located in countries with right-hand traffic on the left, in countries with left-hand traffic on the right side, hence always in the middle of the track. In Switzerland, formerly of lying lights the green light, the yellow light was square, triangular.
The visual appearance is usually made of a black background with round or square light signals. To shield against sun light and prevention of phantom light are Abschirmblenden, also called barges, mounted. If necessary to improve the perception of the signal transmitter at these additional black / white contrast diaphragm attached.
According to model SG300
Power supply: blue newly and plus, Cable colors give light color 12-24 Volt
Total height: approx 58mm p>
round mounting base diameter 5.5mm
Materials: brass mast, signal and body and mast foot plastic
Realised traffic light control with Q-Decoder Z1-16 +, decoders can also be programmed by us, send mail p>
This Product was added to our catalogue on 29/04/2017.