Noch 60300 Urban Scenery, 12 Half-relief buildings

Noch 60300 Urban Scenery, 12 Half-relief buildings
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Our previous price 19,99 EUR Now only 16,99 EURyou save 15% / 3,00 EURProduct discount: 15%
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Product no.: NO60300
Discount: 15.00%
Manufacturer: Noch
More products of: Noch


Products description

Half-relief Buildings H0, TT, N, Z Self-created photo-realistic 3D background buildings! Using the new half-relief buildings you can create in the blink of an eye beautiful 3D backgrounds! You can choose between four different CDs with varied topics. Each CD includes the data for different buildings in H0, TT, N and Z scale in JPEG and PDF format. This data will enable you to print the buildings yourself on one of the included white cardboard sheets. Afterwards you cut out the buildings and stick them together with glue. Now the half-relief buildings can be directly glued on the background of the model landscape. The kit includes 10 sheets of cardboard for printing. However, you can also print the background buildings as often as you want using a corresponding cardboard available from all good stationary shops. Attention: The use of the data isonly allowed for private purposes but not for commercial use! Disclosure of this data to any third party is also not allowed! Scope of Delivery: CD + 10 sheets of cardboard How to quickly and easily create a 3D background scenery Insert the CD into your PC. Print the pictures on the enclosedcardboard. Cut out the buildings and stick themtogether with glue. The finished building can be directlyglued on the background.

This Product was added to our catalogue on 22/04/2011.