Products description
Technical data MX1
Primary care through ext. Transformer (MX1HS: 2 transformers).......24 - 28 V, min. 150 VA, e.g. TRAFO25
Stabilized track voltage....................................adjustable 12 - 24 V p>
Max. Rail current MX1 (RAIL 1 output)...............8 A, can be derated by CV
Max. Programming track current (output PROG on MX1).....3 A, can be reduced by CV
RS 232 interface................................................. .............up to 38400 bit/sec
FLASH EPROM - program memory / RAM memory..........256 kByte / 256 kByte
Lithium battery for memory retention........................10 years
Dimensions..................................... ..................210x90x210mm
weight..................................... .........................1500g
The most important CV's:
CV # 5, 6 Reduction of the maximum permissible rail current (0.1 A - 8 A)
CV # 7, 8 switch-off time in case of overcurrent (adjustable from 0.002 to 0.5 sec)
CV #9, 10 voltmeter calibration
CV # 11, 13, 14 modification timing and bit order DCC signal (not for normal use)
CV # 11 bit rate on the RS 232 interface (1200 - 38400 bit/s)
CV # 19 pseudo address for controlling an analogue locomotive
CV # 20, 21 Automatic downtimes when changing direction
CV # 22 time interval when running routes (0.01 to 4 sec)
CV # 25, 26 zero point adjustment for current display
CV # 31 - 38 Application of auxiliary inputs for shuttle train,Emergency stop, route activation, programming protection release
CV # 41 - 56 downtimes within the automatic shuttle train
CV # 57 - 64 Specification of routes for automatic activation
CV # 81 - 84 Measures to optimize the DCC transmission cycle
CV #93, 94 current thresholds when programming (more success for non-standard cases)
CV # 95, 96 wait cycles and reset packages when programming
CV # 100, 101 Special CV's for ABA's (Automatic Operations)
from CV # 110 definitions for ARA's (automatic routing procedures)
Technical data and handling of the MX2
Power consumption.....................Max. 100mA
Addresses 1-127.....................F DCC standard, each address for a loco.
Addresses 128-10239..............F DCC extended, each address for a loco.
Addresses 1-127.....................W DCC each address for 4 pairs or 8 single functions
Addresses T0-T80 (1-80).........F MOT each address for a loco.
Addresses T0-T80 (1-80).........W MOT each address for an accessory group
Number 700-799..................each number for 8 route memory locations
Number 800-899..................A CAN any number for 8 margnet items for MX8, (792 points)
Number 900-963..................A CAN any number for 8 main sections for MX9, (504 sections)
Number 970-989..................CAN any number for a turntable module (19 turntables)
This Product was added to our catalogue on 07/07/2023.