Zimo MX1 and MX2, MX1 base unit and MX2 hand controller.

Zimo MX1 and MX2, MX1 base unit and MX2 hand controller.
Zimo MX1 and MX2, MX1 base unit and MX2 hand controller.
Zimo MX1 and MX2, MX1 base unit and MX2 hand controller.
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700,00 EUR
20 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs
Product no.: MX1 und MX2
Manufacturer: Zimo
More products of: Zimo


Products description

Technical data MX1

Primary care through ext. Transformer (MX1HS: 2 transformers).......24 - 28 V, min. 150 VA, e.g. TRAFO25

Stabilized track voltage....................................adjustable 12 - 24 V

Max. Rail current MX1 (RAIL 1 output)...............8 A, can be derated by CV

Max. Programming track current (output PROG on MX1).....3 A, can be reduced by CV

RS 232 interface................................................. .............up to 38400 bit/sec

FLASH EPROM - program memory / RAM memory..........256 kByte / 256 kByte

Lithium battery for memory retention........................10 years

Dimensions..................................... ..................210x90x210mm

weight..................................... .........................1500g

The most important CV's:

CV # 5, 6 Reduction of the maximum permissible rail current (0.1 A - 8 A)

CV # 7, 8 switch-off time in case of overcurrent (adjustable from 0.002 to 0.5 sec)

CV #9, 10 voltmeter calibration

CV # 11, 13, 14 modification timing and bit order DCC signal (not for normal use)

CV # 11 bit rate on the RS 232 interface (1200 - 38400 bit/s)

CV # 19 pseudo address for controlling an analogue locomotive

CV # 20, 21 Automatic downtimes when changing direction

CV # 22 time interval when running routes (0.01 to 4 sec)

CV # 25, 26 zero point adjustment for current display

CV # 31 - 38 Application of auxiliary inputs for shuttle train,Emergency stop, route activation, programming protection release

CV # 41 - 56 downtimes within the automatic shuttle train

CV # 57 - 64 Specification of routes for automatic activation

CV # 81 - 84 Measures to optimize the DCC transmission cycle

CV #93, 94 current thresholds when programming (more success for non-standard cases)

CV # 95, 96 wait cycles and reset packages when programming

CV # 100, 101 Special CV's for ABA's (Automatic Operations)

from CV # 110 definitions for ARA's (automatic routing procedures)

Technical data and handling of the MX2

Power consumption.....................Max. 100mA



Addresses 1-127.....................F DCC standard, each address for a loco.

Addresses 128-10239..............F DCC extended, each address for a loco.

Addresses 1-127.....................W DCC each address for 4 pairs or 8 single functions

Addresses T0-T80 (1-80).........F MOT each address for a loco.

Addresses T0-T80 (1-80).........W MOT each address for an accessory group

Number 700-799..................each number for 8 route memory locations

Number 800-899..................A CAN any number for 8 margnet items for MX8, (792 points)

Number 900-963..................A CAN any number for 8 main sections for MX9, (504 sections)

Number 970-989..................CAN any number for a turntable module (19 turntables)

Zimo MX1 and MX2, MX1 base unit and MX2 hand controller.
Zimo MX1 and MX2, MX1 base unit and MX2 hand controller.
Zimo MX1 and MX2, MX1 base unit and MX2 hand controller.

This Product was added to our catalogue on 07/07/2023.